
Don’t Order, but Inspire

Businesses are living organisms given life by the team that tirelessly works towards a goal. With creative people being at the helm of such a venture, new changes in ideas, choices, and actions are given shape each day. This makes each business enterprise as complex as a life: growing, changing, learning and prospering. This characteristic also makes businesses unpredictable. Therefore, success in business always depends on the mutual efforts of the team behind the business, and a leader’s capability to understand his/her teammates.

In such a scenario, a leader is often torn between the ideologies of pushing the team to do more and inspiring the team to excel.

Answer to the Dilemma

The right path would be to inspire the team. Although pushing the team towards more productivity through support can work, it is a short term solution for growth. As I explained, a business is a living organism. And its progress depends on the fulfillment, growth of the team behind it. Now, sharing your business vision with the team and inspiring them to excel would present the chance of self-growth for each of the team members, giving them a glimpse of a future version of themselves. This makes inspiration a better tool at building a better team and business future than assigning jobs to your teams.

Now, as that has been cleared, let us discuss the best way to inspire your team.

Connect with your Team

Giving instructions to do a job and imbuing your team with inspiration are completely different from one another. Giving orders do not connect you with your team, and the connection is a must for any business to survive. Inspiring your team with your business vision and urging them to go ahead in their own career will create a bond between you and your team at a personal level, establishing the foundation for business on strong human emotions such as- care. This will build trust within one another and reflect a better understanding of work execution, giving your clients a clear choice.  Trying to get to know your co-workers, team members can create strong connections within your business enterprise and unify your team.

Share your Dreams

The best way to build a connection and to inspire team members is through sharing your dreams. Leaders need to evolve and find new ways to inspire their team by communicating their vision. Portraying the business goals and the paths will help the team to accept your business dream as their own. Thus, creating a cycle of self-motivation that always results in growth for the employee and the company.

Encourage Change

Dictating assignments and explaining standard procedures to do those things can bring results. But to achieve something incredible, leaders need to encourage change. Change in thinking, change in operations, change in understanding the challenges.

Rules and regulations have always been and will always be there, but the leaders have to bear the responsibility to look beyond rules and set a new way of doing things, that are more efficient and easy. It is your job as a leader to instil confidence within the entire team by asking them to think out of the box. And inspiration can help you with that.

You have to understand that inspiring others to become better at their jobs is the best way to pursue your own dream as a leader. In midst of all this, as a leader you have to be firmly rooted in reality. Understanding market demand will help you to select realistic and achievable goals for your team members and your business. If you excel at inspiring your team, rather than ordering them to finish assignments at hand, the results will dominate and even change the market dynamics to your favour.

All of this may not be actually a cake walk, but once you start to make the effort, everything will definitely fall in place.

care entreprenuership Leadership team transparency

By Gyanesh Chaudhary

Entrepreneur | Philanthropist Chairman & Managing Director Vikram Solar

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